
Monday, May 6, 2013

Fixed Mind and Choosing the Crown You Wear: 10 Days Remain!

The fixed mind is like a crown of thorns. Everybody who truly knows you can see its sharp spikes rammed into the sides of your skull and the trickles of blood flowing down into pools on your shoulders. This crown was woven piece by piece, just as each aspect of the fixed mind was and is accrued over time. The rigid rules are just as cutting and painful as the thorns.

But wait, there’s good news. Just as the crown of thorns came together one piece at a time, it can also be deconstructed one piece at a time.

Yes, there will be pain as the fixed mind is pulled apart. With the pain comes joy that rivals any I have ever known. I look forward to the day when the fixed mind reveals itself not as a crown of thorns, but as a fluid mind and a crown of laurels- with its signal of victory.

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